Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The Odds of Rejection or Acceptance - IWSG Post
There are times when my mind dwells on the notion of whether or not the manuscripts I've recently submitted would be accepted or rejected. This experience is quite different from what I was used to - where most of the staff members were often confident that their article would have its own guaranteed space on the magazine or newspaper (simply because we work there and we set possible topics to include beforehand) except, of course, if the piece is merely a filler that can be used for the next issue if there's no available space left.
Now, the wait is longer, and only time would reveal what would happen. The not-knowing-what-would-happen in the waiting game is what makes the experience quite unnerving and, paradoxically speaking, exciting at the same time.
To help quell my fears, temper my anxiety, and satiate my growing anticipation, I read books or I start working on another story (that I often decide if it will be self-published as an eBook like four of my books or submitted to a traditional publisher like some of my works). It helps a lot, but I still notice that the queasy and uneasy feeling manages to come and go at times.
Have you experienced this, too, or something related to it in a way? What did you do?
I'll see you next post. Do check out the new blogging schedule below that I'll be following for the meantime. Sending you the warmest virtual *HUGS*! Hang in there!
Much thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and the co-hosts for this month's IWSG, C. Lee McKenzie, Tracy Jo, Melanie Schulz, and LG Keltner, and also to the other IWSG members whom I've met and to those I hope to meet soon.
Blogging Schedule:
Posts for this blog will be on a monthly basis for now. Next post: first Wednesday of next month for IWSG.
The Musings of a Hopeful Pecunious Wordsmith by SittieCates is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Been there! Write the next book. Best wishes.
Thanks, Diane! :-)*HUGS*!
That waiting room is filled with angst. Totally get what you're saying.
Yeah. It's killing me at times. :-) Thanks for dropping by!
I admire writers who can hold up to querying. I'm not sure I could do it.
Good luck!
IWSG #215 until Alex culls the list again.
It's normal to feel that way. I think that our nerves are both for excitement and fear!
Play off the Page
It's normal to feel that way. I think that our nerves are both for excitement and fear!
Play off the Page
I am at my anxious best/worst when I am in the query trenches. I nearly kill myself with worries and doubts. Its normal. Best thing to do would be to distract ourselves with a new story.
Waiting is hard since we all fear rejection. That's the up side of self-publishing (don't get me started on the down side).
I rarely read anymore, I have too much to write. LOL!
D.B. McNicol
Romance & Mystery...writing my life
The best thing to do while you're waiting is to start on the next writing project. GL!
Just keep swimming, like Doree says :-)
I've been there; waiting is hard. Start the next book, that way when the agent calls because they love your work, you can tell him/her that you have another work already started.
It's so hard... and odds are so slim. The thing to keep in mind is if you DON'T submit, the answer is ALWAYS no. Another thing to try is through twitter or various agent blogs you can sometimes find out what specifically agents are looking for. If you can TARGET, your odds improve. I learned about a twitter hashtag just this morning: #MSWL (manuscript wish list) Good luck!
I think fear/excitement is a good combination... gets the adrenalin pumping and keeps the creative juices flowing (hopefully)... keeps us alert and alive!
Writer In Transit
The not knowing gets to all of us. Even though I'm signed with a publisher, I have to wait with each manuscript I send them. It's a never-ending cycle.
I'm not submitting books yet, but I have a bunch of short stories out. It's hard, waiting to hear back, not sure if this will be the magazine that likes your story.
Been there! But I love how you handle keep writing. That's the best remedy :)
@ Melissa: Hi there! It's a scary experience, actually. :-)
@ Mary Aalgaard: Thanks, Mary. I agree.
@ Rachna Chhabria: Yup! That's true.
@ Donna B. McNicol: I hear you. I have lots of ideas for different genres, but the actual writing for those would have to wait while I finish the one I'm working on now. Good luck to you!
@ ReflectionsbyCindy: True. Thanks for the well wishes!
@ Samantha Dunaway Bryant: LOL! Gotcha on that. :-)
@ Melanie Schulz: Thanks! But I don't have an agent yet. I'm submitting directly to some publishers who accept unagented work.
@ Hart Johnson: I didn't know that hashtag. Thanks for sharing, Hart!
@ Michelle Wallace: Right on the dot, as always, Michelle! :-)
@ Alex J. Cavanaugh: Yeah, it is.
@ Shannon Lawrence: I feel you, Shannon. I had two short stories accepted before by the same magazine who accepted the first one, but it took a couple of rounds before those stories found the right magazine. Keep submitting! GL!
@ Julie Musil: Thanks, Julie! Still, I feel anxious on certain days. Take care!
Filling that time is the best thing you can do. It may not get rid of all the queasiness, but at least it tempers it a little.
I don't know what's worse being accepted or being rejected. I get nerves from both :-)
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
That's the story of life. Everyday we wait to see if one aspect of what we do will be accepted or rejected. It may be as simple as trying to start a conversation with someone.
We're better off if we accept the rejections and try to learn something from them and rejoice in the acceptances and let them move us forward. Yay!
Tossing It Out
I'm always waiting on something. The best advice I can give is "eat cheese and be happy." Live in the moment. Find the joy of each day. Once a submission is sent, forget you sent it--and I mean that. Completely erase it from your mind. It's the only way to go.
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