Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Received the Liebster Blog Award

Last September 12, 2012 (the day before I got so sick; still on antibiotics up to now), a blogger friend of mine left me something nice for both of my blogs. There were two comments waiting for me when I logged in to check things. It came from the same person - my dearest friend, Aileen. ;-) It carried lovely surprises - awards for my two blogs! Isn’t it great?

For this SC blog, I have received a nomination and award for the Liebster Blog Award as you see above. (I’ll post my other award that I had received for my SLS blog soon.) “Liebster” is a sort of endearment like sweetheart or beloved. That’s why I’m so thrilled to receive a sweetheart award, and I’m happy to know that my blog is beloved. ;-)

Let’s move on to the rules (as garnered from Aileen’s blog, which, she, in turn, got from the one who sent her the award). For my nominees and awardees, you may copy the RULES as written below:


1. Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you plus you must CREATE 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
3. Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
4. Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
5. Absolutely NO tags back. Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Now, for the 11 things about myself.

1. I have dual citizenship, which I am very happy to have been blessed with.
2. I know how to play darts, but I fell in love with archery.
3. I tried basketball once, but I’m not that good. It was just nice to hold the ball and sort of dribble it. lol!
4. I love to walk - at the park, at dirt roads, sidewalks, everywhere! (Had to stop this for awhile while I’m on antibiotics, and I’m still building the strength of my lungs once again.)
5. The first story that I wrote was when I was in Kindergarten. It was an assignment.
6. I learned how to ride a bike when I was already in high school.
7. I once played the drums at a party of my bestfriend. That was when I thought everyone was inside - eating or talking, and I had the veranda all by myself where the drums were. But I was wrong. Because no sooner had I finished playing, a handful of them went out to watch me. I’m not a pro with that, though. I wish I was. I just manage to make a beat, and that’s fine with me. ;-)
8. I had piano recitals when I was young.
9. I love watching the Grimm!
10. I love to read books. I can stay up all night and just lose myself in the pages of a book.
11. What else? Oh yeah! I was born in the year of the rat. Not that it’s utterly important. But, hey, it’s about me. And that makes eleven. ;-)

Now on to answering the 11 questions Aileen asked.

1. I’m SittieCates and I have two blogs online. Please take note that my name, when written, doesn’t have a space. I like it that way. ;-)
2. I started this blog to meet people and reach a wider audience.
3. Five Blogs Topping my Reading List:
(1) Sojourners’ Cornerstone
(2) I Heart Good Health
(3) TFD - The Filipino Diaspora
(4) Of Schmoozes, Mutts and Love
(5) My Food, Your Food, Our Food
4. The best that has ever happened to me in the blogging world was when I received a nomination for the PBA (Philippine Blog Awards), and have been included as one of the top ten finalists for the Best Personal Blog (Luzon) in 2011.
5. All-time favorite book and movie? I’ve got plenty to mention. But, currently, I have to say it’s the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I’ve read all three books and watched the movie!
6. For my hobbies, that’ll include reading, writing, walking and watching TV.
7. My daily fitness routine would be walking. Briskwalking to be exact. I also do exercises at home when I wake up. (Will have to gradually work this in again as soon as my health picks up.)
8. Talent? Composing songs. But I only keep most of these to myself. I shared a few before to two of my nephews who are both in the same band now.
9. My main principle in life is to have the best life ever! It’s a simple answer, but some say that’s difficult to do. It’s all about the journey that you choose to take. What you do with that is what makes life truly worthwhile.
10. My personal heroes are those who have contributed a lot to the literary world. People like Elizabeth Barret Browning and William Shakespeare. I also highly admire those who persevered in writing against all odds like Dr. Wayne Dyer and J. K. Rowling.
11. The best gift I’d like to receive? I’d like to reach all the goals I’ve set for this year and, of course, receive never-ending bliss because of that!

Hello, readers, are you still with me?

I know, I know. It’s a lengthy post but I’m having fun. I hope you are, too.

Now, here’s my list of nominees & awardees (in no particular order)

* Reallady of “Scoop and Snap” at
* Solidadah of “In My Solitude” at
* ImaVee of “Giants & Elves” at
* Adalie of “Of Schmoozes, Mutts and Love” at
* Speedy and Klaat of "My Life's Journey" at
* Theresa of "Life in My Little Corner" at
* It's the Simple Things

And, to make 11, here are two more great blogs that I have just discovered (that I was actually going to include in my list for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2012 but I got so sick that I wasn’t able to meet the deadline for that.)

Now, here are the 11 questions for my nominees for this award.

1. What drives you to continue your blog?
2. If you had a different name, what would that be and why’d you choose that?
3. What can’t you live without?
4. What’s your best-loved hobby?
5. Why did you choose that title for your blog?
6. How long have you been blogging?
7. How do you prefer to spend your weekends?
8. What goals have you achieved?
9.  Cite a blog you like and why you like it.
10. What’s your greatest dream in life?
11. What month were you born? (Take note. I’m only asking the month. So, those who wouldn’t want to reveal the year or the exact date, well, you’re safe. ;-) )

There! I’m done! Finally! I can’t believe it. lol!

Aileen, thank you so much for the nomination and the award. Truly appreciate it!

Oh yeah! There’s one more thing I need to do. I’ll be informing these talented ladies that they have received this beautiful gift. Congratulations to my list of nominees and awardees for the Liebster Blog Award!

Do stay tuned for my post at my SLS blog so you’d see the award my friend gave me for that blog.

I’ll see you next post! ;-)


NOTE: If you love this post, I’d like to invite you to LIKE my SC blog at its Facebook Fan Page. Do drop by and say hello. See you there! ;-)


Pinay Thrillseeker said...

Thank you so much for this, and nice to know that you are fine now. Just the thought that you wanted to nominate me is enough to make me smile.:)

I will try to answer this ASAP, as right now, I am the one who's sick and not in a good shape to create my own post (must be the changing climate). Again thank you so much for this! Happy blogging! ^_^

SittieCates said...

You're welcome! Still have a few antibiotics to take and I'm as good as new. ;-) So sorry to hear that you're sick right now. Do get well soon! And congrats again!

menopausal mama said...

Thank you so much for the award! I am honored! In about 2 weeks I'll be doing a new post to address a few other awards, so I will be thrilled to include this as well! Thanks again!!!!

Fam Mam said...

Wow! I'm so thrilled to be included in your list! I too am glad discovering new blogs like yours! Kinda swamped these days but I'll make sure to attend to this opportunity.ü get well soon!

Aileen said...

Cates, your answers have given me a better insight about you and most of those things you mentioned, I never really knew until now. So, it's now to know you better sis! :-) Looking forward to the other award hehehe.

Theresa S. said...

Thank you so much for the blog award! I am so honored. I plan to do my own awards and post as soon as life slows down enough for me to catch up :)

Pinay Thrillseeker said...

Hello. I hope you're doing good now. I already have the answers (though I'm still taking my meds, hehe). You can check it in the link. Again, thank you so much. :)

Aileen said...

Lol! what was I saying on the last sentences? (embarrassed now) I meant "It's good to know you better, sis"

SittieCates said...

To everyone, you are most welcome!

@menopausal mama: I'll be looking forward to that post. Don't forget to send me the link. ;-)

@Fam Mam: Thanks! It's great to meet new and talented bloggers like you. Congrats!

@Aileen: lol! No prob. ;-) Thank you again for giving me this award, sis! Yup, I'll be posting something about the other award I received at my other blog, SLS. Thanks!

@Theresa S.: You're welcome. I believe that you can catch up soon. ;-)

@Cris/Pinay Thrillseeker: Thanks for the link. I'll be visiting it now. Do get well soon. Hope you can connect with me at facebook, too. It'll be great to see you there!

Once again, congratulations to all of you!

Lyn Sullivan-Stephens said...

Hi Cates, Sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for the award. You inspired me to do write more on my blog. Thank you for the award, you're so sweet. Get well soon. I will answer the questions now.. God bless...

SittieCates said...

@Oncewantobeawriter: Hi there, sis! Oh no prob. Yup, I'm A-OK! ;-) You're welcome, sis! Take care.

@wRey and Robby: Oh hi! Thank you. Happy blogging to you, too! ;-) Hope to see you dropping by more often. All the best!

rose said...

hi sis... Congrats and thanks for including Giants and Elves on your list of Leibster awardees... I appreciate it so much... :)

Kat said...

Sorry for the super late reaction but it's so sweet of you to include me in your list. :)

I'm just swamped with work at the moment that I can't even blog my Malaysia trip last August, but I promise to do a blog post on this as soon as I have time.

SittieCates said...

@ImaVee: Thanks! And congrats to you, too! ;-)

@Kat: It's all right. Thank you for leaving a comment. No rush on the blog post. Take your time. ;-)

real lady said...

Hello my dear Sittie,

Congrats to this award and thanks again for awarding it also to me. That is so sweet of you. Just to Let you know, I answered your questions here Scoop and Snap .

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The Musings of a Hopeful Pecunious Wordsmith by SittieCates is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.