Monday, March 10, 2014

Writing a Note of Thanks to Nature’s Bounty

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Most self-help books like Lynn Grabhorn’s, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting (My favorite!) gently nudge you and remind you to focus on what you want

For me, one of the things I want includes health. When I was younger, it was easy to focus on that. But as the years slowly added another number to my age, I noticed that there are some illnesses that tend to come back; sometimes with even greater intensity than before.

Now that I’m older, I prefer to read up on stuff before taking them. I understand that most of the medicines can heal. But I often hope that I’d be able to find something that will not add some deleterious effects and make me end up with not one but more health problems than I started with that may come back to plague me each year.

A few days ago, I had this interesting answer. During one of my weakest points, I had this sudden urge to make tea. We didn’t grow the herbs that I wanted like elder, raspberry and others. So, I turned my attention to one of the trees widely grown in the Philippines that I like, which has leaves that I often prefer to add to soups—Malunggay or Moringa oelifera.

I made tea using a handful of its leaves. I did it three times during that day and enjoyed the warm, soothing liquid.

The next day, I felt better. I was surprised that I felt stronger. So, I got more leaves and made them into tea again. And I felt really good. My health became better. It took less than a week for me to be really OK.

Before that week ended, I’ve managed to get some info about it and have smiled when I saw that the tree is acknowledged by healthcare workers and scientists around the globe as the “miracle tree” or “nature’s medicine cabinet”. It truly is!

I know that most people say that when you take the natural healing path, you’d see that most of these options are quick-acting and often safe. Years ago, I thought that information was merely part of advertising. But I found out that it’s really true.

Mere words cannot explain how joyous I am. Thank you to nature’s bounty! I am so grateful that it has provided one of the safest and quickest ways towards regaining health. I can go back to writing again without feeling weak, and I can enjoy reading the works of talented authors (most of whom I’ve met) without trying so hard to forget the pain. And when these things come back, I’m thankful that I know what I could do about it.

I’ll see you next post. In the meantime, you may want to check out the blogs of the IWSG members and the A to Z Challenge, and see what’s new. It’ll soon be April. I hope to finish all my posts for the challenge. Yikes! I'm not yet done with that. 

Hope everyone’s having a great week. Be well, everyone. Take care. Oh, I almost forgot. If you're an aspiring author or a newbie, don't forget to download your free copy of the first book of the "The Other Side of an Author's Life" -- "The Hidden Fear of an Author: What if No One Wants to Read Your Book?"


Anonymous said...

It's always nice to have a good cup of tea, especially one with so many benefits. Health is definitely important, and I think we all tend to let it slip from time to time. Good luck with your blog hops, especially the Challenge.

MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Writing Tips
Effectively Human
Lots of Crochet Stitches

SittieCates said...

Hello, M.J.! Thanks! So excited to join the Challenge.

Sharon Himsl said...

So much of what we eat/drink or don't consume is the source of what ails us. I've had similar experiences! Hi..Visiting in the A-Z. Stop by mine for a yummy fruit next week!

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The Musings of a Hopeful Pecunious Wordsmith by SittieCates is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.